Dynamic Monetization of 5G and Edge Resources

Partner Strategic Initiative: Microsoft and Blue Planet

Monetize 5G Experiences

Blue Planet, MATRIXX Software and Microsoft have come together to help Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and their ecosystem partners unleash the full potential of 5G network slicing and edge resources. The combined solution features dynamically orchestrated 5G edge-enabled services that are automatically monetized across a value chain extending from customer to service provider to third party application developers and edge hosts.

The solution provides complete service visibility and control to the CSP’s customers — whether they are consumers, enterprises, wholesale partners or industry solution providers, exposing charges, and balances — before, during and after dynamic changes to the underlying network and edge resources.

See Microsoft, Blue Planet and MATRIXX in Action

Successfully implementing 5G core and edge resources at scale demands unified service and network orchestration and agile real-time monetization, end-to-end, across complex multi-vendor domains.

A Leader in Cloud Operations

A Leader in Orchestration

Blue Planet logo

A Leader in Monetization

MATRIXX Software logo

Customized 5G Experiences Will Deliver:

Expanded Market Impacts / Increased Revenue

Increased Customer Engagement and Value

Increased Partner Engagement and Partner Value

Efficient Use of Network Resources and Fixed Costs


“Innovative CSPs must coordinate increasingly diverse network topologies, infrastructure, applications and services seamlessly in new ways — and must differentiate pricing and monetization models accordingly.”

Marc Price, CTO, MATRIXX

Kailem Anderson, Blue Planet

“Orchestration is critical to monetizing dynamic and immersive 5G experiences by enabling the delivery of real, automated outcomes that leverage both network and edge applications.”

Kailem Anderson, VP of Product and Portfolio, Blue Planet

Learn More About MATRIXX

abstract neon background with ascending pink and blue glowing lines

Unlocking the Potential of 5G

CSPs are evolving their monetization platform so that they can unlock the full potential of 5G, and evolve from pure voice and data providers into leaders of the digital economy. This eBook uses real life use cases and examples to describes how this is happening, and the essential technical and functional requirements behind it.

Learn More About Blue Planet: The Roadmap to 5G Monetization

Blue Planet eBook: The Roadmap to 5G Monetization


Blue Planet 5G Automation Demo: Accelerate Your 5G Journey

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