MATRIXX Digital Dozen B2B Use Cases ebook cover

The Digital Dozen eBook: B2B Use Cases

The enterprise market is the new growth battleground for telcos. Service differentiation is everything, driving the need for a new and more dynamic commercial and experience model.

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CSPs’ B2B Success Will Be Defined by the Flexibility of Their Commercial Models

Growth in B2B ICT services is a strategic imperative for telcos. Addressing the current shortcomings in customer experience and commercial agility delivery are foundational to delivering that growth. This report surveyed 400 enterprises and CSP’s for their reflections on where that commercial relationship is in need of improvement.

MATRIXX and Salesforce B2B Experience

Reimagining the B2B Experience with Salesforce

5G brings many opportunities for telcos to provide differentiated experiences for their business customers and grow revenue streams.

Red Hat and MATRIXX Software logos

Red Hat: Deliver Converged Charging for 5G

Based on open-source innovation and cloud native architectures, the Red Hat® and MATRIXX Software solution provides the speed, agility, and efficiency 5G service delivery demands. Read this joint solution brief to learn more.

Salesforce and MATRIXX

MATRIXX and Salesforce Transform BSS Together

MATRIXX and Salesforce provide market-leading solutions for customer engagement and commerce that come together as a cloud native digital BSS, so that CSPs can easily create compelling digital experiences across all B2C, B2B and B2B2X market segments.

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